Interviews & articles…
Remembering Darryl Lenox – The Georgia Straight – A tribute I wrote to one of my best friends and mentor the legendary Darryl Lenox
That Time I Bombed – The Georgia Straight – Great interview with the world famous Jon Cranny about bombing, favorite comedy albums, Sinbad, love and Dinosaurs.
20 Questions with Old Man Griff – Vancouver Presents – A rapid fire article asking me 20 questions about jobs, dreams, heroes and, of course, love.
Shirtless And Underground – Vancouver Sun – I chop it up with the charming Shawn Conner and we talk about all things comedy — shirtlessness, cats and living in basement suites as I approach 40.
Griff gave it all up to pop his head out of mashed potatoes – The Georgia Straight – I sat down for two hours with the handsome and talented Guy MacPherson to discuss our greatest desires and deepest fears. It didn’t all make it into the article but we covered some ground.
Grinding it out before leaving Calgary – FFWD Weekly – Way back in the day, I sat down with one of the original bad dudes Alan Cho and we talked smack about Calgary and comedy while wearing matching dirty hoodies. Then my shows got flooded out.